Here we are. A new year. The time when we all say, “I'm going to lose some weight,” “I’m going to get more organized.”. . . yada, yada, yada. Well, here at Woodwardesign, our new year’s resolution is to pay more attention to our neglected child . . . . our blog.
Poor blog . . . such a good little blog. So, THIS year we are going to blog more so we can keep in touch. Here it is. The first blog of the year. Enjoy, our friends!
Everyone around here has gotten the exercise bug. Jeff and Falyn have begun spinning and Carrie is now a certified Zumba instructor. It really has lifted the mood around the office. And we feel less guilty eating Twix bars.
We have teamed up with a few people who are into fitness as well.
We developed a new logo for Durga Fitness. Durga’s owner, Zephyr Soun, is a personal trainer who also teaches group bootcamp and spin classes. Durga means “the invincible one” and is depicted by a goddess. With this logo we created a goddess form with two different colors intertwining to represent the energy of trainer and client working together—something that’s a big part of Zephyr’s work.

You can check out the website we designed at www.durgafitness.com
Another company we paired up with was Sprockets Cycle Studio in Bellows Falls. Owner, Joanna Albright, already had a logo and color palette but needed a simple website.
We worked with their current look and budget and created an easy-to-navigate and attractive sight.

To see their whole site click sprocketscyclestudio.com.
Cheers to health and blogging!
Falyn, Carrie, and Jeff